As a Child Life Specialist, I am familiar with biofeedback as a therapy or a way to gain “feedback” from your body in response to stress and learn how to actively induce a more relaxed state. There are a variety of biofeedback devices that function to monitor the various involuntary systems in the body (i.e., heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, skin temperature, muscle tension ect.), and because information from these devices are ‘fed back’ immediately, you can measure how tense your body is and importantly, learn how to lower your stress response in that instance.
[?] How is information from our bodies useful?
Oftentimes, we are unaware of how stress affects our physiology. However, once someone becomes aware of how stress affects their body and what stress “feels” like, they can actively implement simple techniques to positive affect their body systems…. or combat the effects of stress to help restore the body systems to a state of relaxation. The ultimate goal of biofeedback being, to learn how to control physical responses that are normally automatic.
As a Child Life Specialist, I use Biodots as a more kid-friendly alternative to what can be very costly and complex biofeedback device. These little dots are not only fun to use but are a super effective visual tool to help children (a) become aware of experiences that cause them to become stressed (b) learn about their own stress response (c) keep track of their stress levels and, (d)* learn what relaxation techniques are most effective in lower their stress responses.
Biodots are small self-adhesive, temperature sensitive discs that are intended to be placed on the skin to monitor changes in temperature. The ideal placement is on the back of the hand, in the little spot between the thumb and index finger. Biodots change in colour to reflect changes in skin temperature to alert a child (in this example) to when his or her body is reacting to stress or is in a state of relaxation. They remind me of the ever so popular…. Mood ring! True to a mood ring, they also come with a colour interpretation chart which is used to relate the colour of the Biodot to the body’s level of relaxation or tension.
**Child Life Ideas for Use:
[NOTE:] This is one suggested example of how I was able to use Biodots successfully. Please alter in accordance to your assessment of the child or teen you are working with.
- Introduce the Biodot as a way to learn about “what’s going on inside your body,” and explain how it works.
- Ask the child to “track” colour changes in a journal for a few days - Keep a log entry of (a) colour of the dot (b) what they were doing/what was happening during that time and, (c) reflect on how they were feeling. (TIP: I find it useful to allow the child to personalize the journal, attach a colour interpretation chart, and help them fill out their first entry.)
- Evaluate the journal logs, noting times of stress and relaxation - Focus on times of relaxation, discussing what activities they were engaged in. Continue this conversation to a discussion of NEW* ways to help your body relax (i.e., deep breathing, thought stopping, meditation, listening to music ect.). (TIP: I always enjoy creating a visual tool or chart listing their most effective relaxation strategies which they can decorate and attach to their journal.)
- Ask the child to continue to keep logs of color changes but NOW, implement a relaxation technique each time their Biodot colour signifies that they are stressed. Direct them to observe the colour change in the dot after the use of a relaxation technique.
For more information or to purchase Biodots, please visit: where you can receive 25 biodots for free (with no shipping cost to U.S. customers).
Thanks for reading!
Forever aiming for a Purple Biodot kinda mood!
Biodot Upclose
Biodot Chart
Biology in a Box Graphic: Copyright © 2013 childsplayccls. (This is an original image, please clearly reference image to if you would like to use it.)
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